Token/Pool Information
The Token / Pool Information Section gives you some interesting information about the project you’re researching
You can see the Liquidity, Volume, Pooled Tokens / Pairs, Total # of Transactions, number of Holders, Market Cap, and Diluted Market Cap. DexFlow also provides you with some more neat bits of information below: DexFlow Score and Contract Details.
DexFlow Score
The DexFlow Score is a dynamic/updating “score” that DexFlow assigns a project based on an algorithm that they use. Factors include:
Information provided by the developers (website/social links, etc.)
Transactions (based on the number of transactions, along with the type – buy/sell)
Number of holders (along with % of token owned by holders)
Contract Creation score (not much information on how DexFlows calculates/updates this)
and Token Pool Score (based on the amount of liquidity, and whether it’s locked for a period of time).
Contract Details
The Contract Details provides you with perhaps the most important red flags to avoid a rugpull or other common scam. These red flags include:
Whether the owner of the contract can mint new tokens
Whether the owner can lock transfers of the token (like buying/selling/transferring)
Whether the token has warnings on Etherscan
And whether the owner can change the transaction fee to something high (like 100%)
Last updated