A quick guide of how to exchange on our platform
1. Access DexFlow.
2. Connect your wallet.
3. Select a trading pair you wish to trade (e.g. ETH-USDT).
4. Enter the amount of one token (e.g. ETH) you wish to exchange in return for the other token in the pair (e.g. USDT).
5. Click the "Confirmβ button. If this is your first transaction using your chosen token (e.g. ETH) with DexFlow, you will be asked to approve the spending of your tokens (e.g. ETH) when placing trades on DexFlow.
6. Click the "Approve" button and confirm the details of the order.
7. Your order will then start processing. Click "View Transaction" if you wish to see your transaction status on the ETH blockchain.
8. Once your transaction is processed, you will see "Transaction Successful"!
9. Congratulations, you have made a successful transaction!
β οΈ Please Keep in Mind β οΈ
β We do not control your transactions and couldn't stop a transaction or attempt to reverse a transaction after it occurred.
β Youβre ultimately responsible for any transactions as relevant to the Services.
β Please review, obtain, or otherwise seek additional information or support BEFORE transaction in Virtual Currency.
Last updated